By RaceCar - 12/02/2010 19:24 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 14/04/2012 04:57 - United States - Paducah
Sick ride, dude
By RdL - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By not_so_sweet_sixteen - 17/03/2009 03:10 - United States
By crashednowcrushed - 26/04/2009 00:44 - United States
By 1fungi - 07/12/2010 05:25
By civic4life - 17/09/2009 03:16 - United States
Lower your expectations
By Brilliant... - 25/05/2011 17:44 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 05:21 - United States
By Dopeboyfresh71 - 19/12/2010 01:02 - United States
By poop - 28/02/2012 07:10 - United States
Top comments
come on guys stop being mean to the op. she deserved the car and you know it. I mean geez she turned 16. really, wah get a job and buy your own at least she got you a present you spoiled brat.
Your mother is smart.
well cars turn 16 year olds in to douchebags but it's already too late for you. have fun with that.
why would she waste money buying a new car when you don't even have a license
to those of you saying the people saying she is a brat are jealous they didn't get a car at 16. my dad bought me a car for my 16th but she is spoiled obviously since she is acting like her parents owe her a car she is an ungrateful brat.
today, I was being a selfish little bitch, so I asked daddy for everything I wanted for my 16th birthday, including an extremely unnecessary car, that I can't even drive yet, instead of that I got a Lego car, and I threw a hussy fit until he got me one, the end. Story of the bitch, American, spoiled girl teenager.
*sigh* 1) It was a dude who wrote this FML, not a girl. 2) He turned 16. How do you know he didn't get his license on his birthday or was going to be getting it soon? You don't know that he wouldn't be able to drive it. Also, don't generalize. Not all Americans are stupid, spoiled, or jerks. Also remember that there's probably a shit load of people from your country (if you live outside the US) here.
You... You ARE joking, right Perdix? :s And argh I hate the phrase "stick shift"! It's called a normal car over here in the UK and pretty much everywhere else in the world... People that drive automatics are people that can't drive at all.
That happened to my friend's older sister. :P
quit expecting everything to be handed to you. A lot of people don't get cars for their 16th birthday. A lot of people don't get their first car until after college and it's a piece of shit.
Hey! You got your car, quit whining!