By stinkerweeder - 05/02/2011 20:30 - United States

Today, it was both my and my stepmother's birthday. In preparation, my dad bought a huge banner with my stepmother's name on it, and a lovely birthday cake. When I told him it was also my birthday, he just grunted and taped a post-it note to the banner with my name on it. Same with the cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 834
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyblue666 1

as soon as u can u need to leave there is no reason ur dad should be putting anyone before his own child

Raaaawr123 0

Your dad didn't know it was your birthday? wow great dad.


madeline1960 0

That's why children are screwed up in today world .. because the ******* parents are.

That's awful! so sorry for you :9 My dad does things like that but if he went that far I would actually not come and see him anymore see how he liked that until he could actually remember anything about me :)

veritoswty6 14

what a way to tell you that your stepmother is more important than you. damn it sucks..

Razzii 0

My mom did stuff like that when she was dating her boyfriendm, who was a creepy controller dude. :(

No this what I think OP needs to do ( NOTE: THIS VERY MORBID SO DON'T ACTUALLY DO IT) when she is about to blow out the candles get like perfume and spray it when on the candles when she blows it out.

imakeusay14 2

aww that suxx... id be so mad at him

dont worry, my dad is a complete asshole like that too. FYL and happy birthday :D

"He just grunted and taped a post-it note to the banner with my name on it. Same with the cake." Umm, he taped a post-it note to the cake too? That doesn't sound very appetizing.

taurusxdee 10

wow that's ****** up. beat the bitch up!