By stinkerweeder - 05/02/2011 20:30 - United States

Today, it was both my and my stepmother's birthday. In preparation, my dad bought a huge banner with my stepmother's name on it, and a lovely birthday cake. When I told him it was also my birthday, he just grunted and taped a post-it note to the banner with my name on it. Same with the cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 834
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyblue666 1

as soon as u can u need to leave there is no reason ur dad should be putting anyone before his own child

Raaaawr123 0

Your dad didn't know it was your birthday? wow great dad.


sounds like a real stand-up kinda guy... :s

why is no one celebrating?? soz op but this day is just getting worse for you.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

anyone who says YDI is a ******* retard. ppl who say YDI PLZ explain to me how do u control ur birth? I WOULD LOVE to read ur explanations.

newjerseyguy 0

to many idiots on here give a ydi when a ydi is not in order. so on that note if you tag posts like this with ydi the you my friend are the one that deserves any misfortunes that happen to you.

newjerseyguy 0
MaddlyBeastin 0

on his next birthday I would take a dump in his present, wrap it, and then when he opens it their's a note on it saying "happy b-day, ******" but that's just me

RawwrYourFace18 0

all bad. if I was you i would have grabbed the cake and threw it at him and said didn't want my name of his shitty cake anyways. and ripped down the banner as well.

i thaught you said he got a boner for your stepmother woopsie!

kinda reminds me of cindirella...with bad dad anyways,all comes back,be so forgetful when he is an old man:)