By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, it was easter and I thought it might be fun to look for eggs with my little brother. My parents told me to take the ones in the higher places that my brother couldn't reach. All of his eggs were filled with candy or money. Each one of mine had a note saying 'maybe when you lose weight'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 967
You deserved it 9 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

Wow. Next holiday (maybe Christmas) give your mom a note in a Tiffany's box that says, "Maybe when you pull that pine cone out of your ass" and give your dad the same note in an equally exciting box.

cyxx 0

Ouch, that's mean ... They could have just filled your eggs with money instead of candy, which would've been a subtle hint. That was harsh.


lonligurl 0

itsk my mom harps on my weight all the time. its not even their body, its mine. its so annoying, i'm deciding just to lose my excess 20 pounds and get them off my ass so i can enjoy life, its worth it! its a good wakeup call and message from them, but not on easter.

totally deserved. if you're _that_ obese, they should be trying from every angle to convince you to stop stuffing your face. fat people gross me out...

That was very rude. If they thought you were overweight, they should talk to you properly.

Kickinchicken213 3

sucks for you! the candy is my favorite part! FYL!

91, I do it because it relaxes me since I have an anxiety disorder. Also I have had no health problems so know me personally before you bash my habits and say that I have an obsession. Going to the gym daily for an hour or two isn't exercising too much in my opinion. And the stuff that do there isn't straining my body. I have consulted doctors about the amount of exercise I do, and they say it is fine just as long as I don't hurt myself in the process. In fact they say it is good for me. So chew on that, I am just giving OP some advice bc I've been in that sit. And I wasn't dissing the BMI, I was just saying how one shouldn't rely on a scientific statistic to determine whether one is healthy. Anybody with me on this? Or are you all for a toothpick sized society with non-athletic people?

god thats awful... your parents are mean

91, Six days a week is not unhealthy for exercise. I've been hitting the gym 6 days a week for a long time, and not light workouts either. The human body is an amazing thing, capable of adapting to a lot of things, including physical stress. Could Average Joe in the street just start hitting up the gym for 6 days a week of power training, hell no, he'd kill himself. Could a guy who has been going to the gym consistently for a year do it? ******* rights he could. Knowing your limits is good, but knowing how to push your limits further is better.

LMAO they should have given you money and said "don't spend it all on chocolate" or something, geez. Or bought you a nice treadmill! (to everyone else, jsyk, treadmills are expensive) Parents just don't know how to deal with anything! Stupid, stupid. Heyyy don't worry, at least you won't have to worry about getting them gifts, because after this stunt, I hope they aren't getting any. I would also put nasty notes in exciting boxes, but I am mean.

Parents: warping minds and crushing souls since the beginning of time.

That's awesome, 109! I admit that maybe I should rest a day (I work out every night when I get my work done, and that's mainly just ellipticals, bicycles, and whatever the lower bikes are called) bc it relieves my stress. *I suffer from an anxiety disorder* But exercise is fun for me. 110, that's brilliant.