By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, it was my boyfriend's birthday and I saw he was logged in on ooVoo. He sent me a request to video chat so I decided to take off all of my clothes to surprise him. Little did I know, his entire family was at his house and at the computer because he, "wanted to show them what a great girlfriend I am." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 169
You deserved it 75 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you showed them just how great of a girlfriend you were. Mission accomplished it seems to me.

MusicMan7187 3

lol YDI for not waiting to see who's at his computer before the clothes come off


girandwogpig 0

YDI all the shit you get in life for being a virgin #23. LOOK AT ME I'M FEEDING THE TROLL!!!!

ericavel 0

Haha that's the first thing that came into my mind when I read this.

Well they can see how great (or not) you are.

fxdxhk90 0

You showed up naked for an online chat, your an awesome girlfriend and under different circumstances he would have loved it.

Whatevers_clever 0

hahaha wow, that must suck.

efmivida 0

that sucks, id want a heads up from m boyfriend if he had the entire family in front of his computer, like seriously who introduces thier family to thier girlfriend via oovoo i feel bad for you. :(

Aw, how sweet--it's like that "Gift of the Magi" story. You wanted to surprise him, he wanted to surprise you, you surprised the living shit out of each other. It's a classic!

yea, they saw what a tramp of a girlfriend he has, smooth move ex- lax