By kthx - 22/10/2009 12:26 - Canada

Today, it was my grandfather's burial. As the family was about to leave, a great aunt came up to my skinny, tall and pretty cousin and told her, "Stay beautiful and kind." Then, she walked to me and said, "And you, Stay kind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 704
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your grandpa dies, and you're FMLing about how your greataunt thinks your cousin is prettier than you? Wow... Just... wow.

I would've slapped her. That's just not nice.


"When grandfather dies, life will be strange. When grandfather dies, my whole world will change. When grandfather dies, I'll scream and I'll yell, 'Cause I'll be f***in rich as hell."

Give her a huge break. Her brother just died. People say and do strange and hurtful things when they are in shock and grieving. Unless this has been her personality prior to this, do your best to disregard it. If this is how she's always been, surely her comments were no surprise.

That doesn't give her the green light to be hurtful to someone she supposedly loves. The OP was hurting, too. Auntie sounds like a miserable old ****.

perdix 29

She should have said to you, "Stay. . . sit . . . who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" thrown a stick and yelled, "Fetch!"

Old people are hilarious. They can say whatever they want and they don't care.

Maybe she meant you're already beautiful enough?

spectator 0

Ah well. You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, you can even pick your friend's nose, but you can't pick your relatives. Don't worry about it.

letitbe56 0

These FML's about appearance are always a little strange. It's hard to know what to make of that story when we don't know what the OP looks like.

Yeah, plus, why would it matter if an aunt doesn't think you're pretty? She wasn't exactly a potentional partner anyway.

"And I take it you're planning to remain a wretched bitch, then?"

Ellowise_fml 0

Hahah :) She just needed to tell your cousin that so she wouldn't forget... ?? She knows you'll remember or she doesn't fear you'll get ugly..? idk

The old person's last ditch advice. Her great aunt orders others to stay kind, because she can't do that to herself. To stay kind, she would have to BECOME kind, first. Don't take it seriously, she's merely jealous, sensing that her time is coming. Beauty is an adjustable thing, whilst youth is not.