By kthx - 22/10/2009 12:26 - Canada

Today, it was my grandfather's burial. As the family was about to leave, a great aunt came up to my skinny, tall and pretty cousin and told her, "Stay beautiful and kind." Then, she walked to me and said, "And you, Stay kind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 704
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your grandpa dies, and you're FMLing about how your greataunt thinks your cousin is prettier than you? Wow... Just... wow.

I would've slapped her. That's just not nice.


People are missing the FML. Yes, her grandpa died, which made her sad, and then the aunt basically tells her she's ugly. Therefore, she now feels terrible. THAT is the FML.

WinRarGuy_96 0

if you seen MY family, you'll feel billions of times better about yours. And look at the bright side, perhaps your aunt didnt need to tell you anything about how good you look because there is no need to explain it, youre a fox, youve got the life. nuff said.

cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

So let me get this straight -- your grandfather just *died* and you care about some unimportant remark about how you look? YDI just for that.

Ahh that sounds like something my oma would do hahah.

EveryDayJackAss 0

don't worry, you'll just be that one girl that no one ever gives a shit about, until the day that you will eventually kill yourself from the stress and torture of being secluded by your uglyness.......OR plastic surgery FTW!....plz don't be like Michael Jackson though, thx gosh he's dead.....that was the best piece of news i've heard all year

You are so ******* rude, no wondering that your username.

"cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it." why are you even reading things like this if thats all your going to say? i can tell your such a nice person. -__-

That's exactly what happened to my sister and I was the tall pretty cousin... Sucks for you. I personally would have ****** her up for saying that

This actually happened to me at my great grandmas funeral!!!!!!