By kthx - 22/10/2009 12:26 - Canada

Today, it was my grandfather's burial. As the family was about to leave, a great aunt came up to my skinny, tall and pretty cousin and told her, "Stay beautiful and kind." Then, she walked to me and said, "And you, Stay kind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 704
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your grandpa dies, and you're FMLing about how your greataunt thinks your cousin is prettier than you? Wow... Just... wow.

I would've slapped her. That's just not nice.



beauty isnt everything so this isnt fml worthy i mean some people arent beautiful on the outside but are on the inside get over it

Why are these comments hidden? They're awesome! :D

Stop complaining. Old people are crazy. Especially when someone close to them dies. When my grandfather died, my grandmother had all of us making thank you cards for people who had brought food and gifts and proceeded to flip out on us because things weren't perfectly straight or even or colored correctly. Yes, we all were hurting, and it was wrong of her to act like that, but when people are hurt, sometimes the only way they know to cope is to lash out and be mean to people. So what if she doesn't think you're gorgeous? Get over it.

To late now, but the correct reply to that is "Don't ****** tell me what to do bitch!"

moonlight_daze 8

****, man.. After my best friend was murdered a few years ago, I said a whole ton of hurtful things to people that I still think about and wish never said. Give her a ******* break. What she said wasn't even that big a deal. So she called you less than beatiful, eh? Boo hoo, cry me a ******* river.

Well... At least she thinks you're kind...? But you're complaining about your great-aunt saying something that you didn't like, when the real FML is that your grandfather just died. :/

Skinny and tall does not equal beautiful. It means she has an eating disorder and/or a tape work and she has/had a pituitary problem.

icecreamthoughts 0

Not necessarily... and sucks about the insult OP, but like many others on here, I'd think your grandfather's death would have more weight than an insult from your great-aunt. Sorry for your loss.

Yeah, I'm 6'3 and 140 pounds, I eat around 3000 calories a day, am physically active, and there is nothing medically wrong with me, nor do I have an eating disorder. Just because someone's skinny doesn't mean there's something wrong with them.

heartless_fml 6

oh boo hoo. so what if she's more attractive than you? are you really going to be sad every time you meet someone better looking? if so, you have a life of disappointment ahead of you. now stop being such a ******* cry baby.

that is ******* hilarious, someone should put that in a movie or something lol