By nobodylovesme - 04/04/2013 06:46 - United States - Northridge

Today, it was my wedding day. Three people showed up. My mom, my dad, and the priest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 885
You deserved it 4 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh that's so sad :/ I'm sorry op, you're not the first person to be left at the alter. Some people have commitment issues I guess. Have a long talk with your fiancé and see where you stand.

mokielove 10

that sounds weird, you had to have gave wrong information . I mean think about It. all those people not showing up. don't make sense.


beach_babe89 11
saIty 17

Actually four people showed up. I was hiding behind the bushes.

perdix 29

How come you didn't include your dad's shotgun as one of the attendees? He's going to have to invest in higher-quality shackles and leg-irons, so your next "husband" can't escape so easily.

Plus, good quality leg irons might be useful on the honeymoon.

ItsAnanya 25

Check if you got the date or venue wrong OP. IF you were actually left at the altar, call up your fiancé and ask for an explanation. Maybe he got cold feet or something :/ So sorry your special day was ruined OP. Keep your chin up :]

born_hustla 26

That totally sucks!! I don't even know what to say right now....