By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 16:18 - United States - Surprise

Today, less than a week after ranting to my husband about how sick some people are to sexualize characters from kids' TV shows, I looked through his browser history and found out he's very much into Powerpuff Girls porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 009
You deserved it 9 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Rule 34 of the internet: "If it exists, there is **** of it. No exceptions."

It's normal to look out of curiosity at things of that sort unless he's legitimately watching the pornography for pleasure


That's why you don't go through people's history...

sandman2118 10

Well now you can surprise him on kinky sex night "hey I'm buttercup, why don't you power puff me"

I guess you learn something new everyday. But there is an anime of when the power puff girls look older. Maybe that is it!

Wow, somebody's judgemental. What other people are "into" is none of you're business.

Axel5238 29

In this case it is and sometimes you have to be. This could get him in trouble potentially. Sexual pictures/cartoons of characters that are kids is considered kiddy **** in some fashion. I knew of an anime fan from an old forum sonic eats rings. He had a lot of anime stuff, but it was suspicious since the characters were under age and depicted vaguely sexual. He was reported by someone at his job and had his computer seised and checked for kiddy ****. Times like that you gotta be judgmental and when it can get you locked up it is their business.

That incognito would of been a life saver!

Sorry OP, but that's messed up. I realize you can turn anything into ****, but that doesn't mean you should. Regardless, we had one kid in my high school who watched anime ****, and he really is a freak. It may be a sign to cut your losses

aren't ppg like in kindergarten??? pedophile much?

Oh god, now I can't get the image of the Powerpuff girls having a three way out of my mind.

Jghaugland 6

Oh no OP, that's terrible. *frantically googling*