By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 16:18 - United States - Surprise

Today, less than a week after ranting to my husband about how sick some people are to sexualize characters from kids' TV shows, I looked through his browser history and found out he's very much into Powerpuff Girls porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 009
You deserved it 9 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Rule 34 of the internet: "If it exists, there is **** of it. No exceptions."

It's normal to look out of curiosity at things of that sort unless he's legitimately watching the pornography for pleasure


Why were you looking through his Browser History?

PrimeStarscream 30

You should see the Transformers **** out there.

That's the point. The whole underage thing has been discussed by a lot of people before you. Also powerpuff not powderpuff. Seriously.

Awkwardbloke 5

At least you know what to wear when it comes to it

You may or may not have given him the idea. He may have looked it up out of curiosity, or disbelief.

YDI for checking his browser history and invading his privacy. You probably wouldn't like it if he looked at yours.

Yeah, that kinda sucks. Could be worse. It could've been pony ****. FYL indeed.

Does that make him a pedophile? The Powerpuff Girls are, after all, little kids. O.o