By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 16:18 - United States - Surprise

Today, less than a week after ranting to my husband about how sick some people are to sexualize characters from kids' TV shows, I looked through his browser history and found out he's very much into Powerpuff Girls porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 009
You deserved it 9 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Rule 34 of the internet: "If it exists, there is **** of it. No exceptions."

It's normal to look out of curiosity at things of that sort unless he's legitimately watching the pornography for pleasure


McNikk 15

Wouldn't that technically be child **** since the characters are so young?

really? child **** needs... children.. thats a cartoon. big difference.

The U.S. and most of Europe doesn't recognize that there is a difference though. It's considered child **** even if the depictions are animations and don't really exist.

juturnaamo 29

1) that's idiotic, no kids are harmed by cartoon **** 2) they probably give them little ******* and say they're grown up powerpuff girls if anyone asks.

That's entirely true and I completely agree. But that doesn't change the law of those places.

Axel5238 29

Japan has changed their laws and you can get prison time for having things like that and even carries a prison sentence. It's considered child abuse. I believe some similar law exists here in America. Usually, there is some sort of mention that the characters depicted are of age to avoid them getting sued for what could be mistaken as underage **** or promoting the sexualization of a minor.

91hayek 31

Technically it's not but it's a gateway to it.

Hey ,my bfs into Furry **** and that shit bothers me just as bad. I know the feels

Lil_Red777 21

Furry **** is even creepier. Just a few steps away from ***********....

91hayek 31

a few steps? Furries have anthropomorphised and romanticized animals with fur - know that any time they see dog or cat or other furry mammal, to them it has human emotions and loves as a human does. Furries actually believe the animal can give and could give sexual consent to them. Real ******* twisted.

Um, no...I'm pretty sure furries range from enjoying sex in an animal persona (just another form of roleplay - and really, who doesn't like the occasional sexy growl/nip) to just having an affinity with certain animals. They don't actually want to **** real animals.

91hayek 31

Online you meet furries who really are that twisted. I know the role-playing and the cons and the fraternity that surrounds it are pretty sane, but you find a good number of people with their alt slash fiction and art and the shipping, which is fine as just a form of art and expression, but then they carry on like wolves do indeed walk upright and would want to make out with you, and that animals relate to each other with romantic notions and longing and 'love'. To me these are the real furries as opposed to people who spend weekends dressing up and trying to sex each other in forests or wooded areas.

So you're gonna take the most extreme example and assume that's what a furry is? Don't you think that's a little weird? That'd be like saying westboro baptist church are the REAL Christians...well no, they're not. Without getting into a debate about Christianity itself, I think we can all agree that the more mainstream Christians are what the majority of people would think of as Christians, whilst WBC would be seen as extremist weirdo exceptions, even if they refer to themselves as Christian. You can't just play with definitions like that.

91hayek 31

I don't think that's weird. I will judge you by your most extreme elements until the main body comes out and excommunicates them for being harmful and dangerous. This is the difference with WBC where other denominations/churches have come out and explicitly said WBC are not part of the Christian faith; even then some churches still do support them so it shows there isn't complete unity in their rejection. Some people would dismiss them all just for believing in God - but I don't, and seek to understand the differences within. I will continue to judge entire movements/sub-cultures/religions by their extremes until they explicitly define themselves and address the extreme issues they have. It is my not my job to define the spectrum but I will listen to you as members define it and I am willing to learn. If y'all are too disorganized, disjointed and confused about yourselves then I will keep my original definition until you all get it together. I am tolerant but it is not my job to teach you to teach me about something I don't know much about but know that is has a dangerous element.

Hmm...I do see your point. But I don't think communities should really have to speak out against others who are different from them. We DO tend to in order to distance ourselves from things we find unpleasant and make the difference clear to others but I don't think someone should be judged as something very different and far worse just because they haven't explicitly said they are against it (especially as they may be against it but just haven't felt the need to vocalise it or maybe just aren't aware of it, fully or at all). I'd rather people were all judged as the 'normal' ones untill they explcitly say they're something else. Maybe I'm just optimistic but, innocent until proven guilty, you know?

91hayek 31

It's just the ambiguity I get annoyed with. Then when our questions are heavy handed and awkward it brings out anger and accusations of bigotry and ignorance by those at the margins who get defensive about their behaviour. All the moderate people remain quiet or talked over by the extreme elements. I also believe in the presumption of innocence until proven guilty yet when there are dangerous elements I will make no apologies for tarring everyone with the same brush, until I learn different if it means my safety or the safety of others. Furthermore, by keeping quiet, the moderates give the extreme elements a larger body to hide behind, being able to rationalize their behaviour into the middle. This is when I can't be bothered with the duplicity and double talk and label everyone the same. Moderates need to at least try to objectively define their spectrum without favor or apologizing and get their members at the margins to acknowledge they are different and why. Just typing this makes me realize how involved and convoluted this is, and its so much easier to just roll my eyes and say "******* freaks" but I'll continue to make the effort because there are things that I believe that have their extremes that I would like others to know the different aspects of.

Lil_Red777 21

Considering they aren't actually having sex with animals, yes it's a few steps away from that. Do some creepy ass people who may identify as a furry have sex with animals? Possibly. Furries are just creepy to me in general but that doesn't mean they're that bad.

That's almost worse than being a "bronie"

Why is it bad that they like a TV show and decide to talk about it with other people that like the same show? Dick.

10187ok 7

clearly your a brony... u look fat and gay so stfu

I don't think you understand what a "Brony" is, the word you're looking for would be "Clopper". a Brony is just a fan of the show, a Clopper is someone who enjoys the rule 34 side of it.

If you were just going to judge his **** choices you shouldn't have been snooping.

How was she supposed to know he was watching ****? Maybe she was looking for a website she had visited and saw it.

Sooooo... The fact that she said "I took a look through his browser history" doesn't kinda give a hint that she was snooping? It does to me.

KawaiiSushii 8

I think that cartoon **** such as Hentai etc is okay. I personally don't watch it but I don't think you should judge others for liking it.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

Just curious, what made you decide to search his browser history?

I bet 65% of the guys reading this are now looking up Powerpuff Girl-****.

Be happy he wasn't googling male characters from children's television shows.

I love how you say you looked through his history so casually. It's really none of your bussiness what other people's fantasies are and what they are sexually curious about. They are not hurting anyone, let them be.

I didn't know that existed. I wish I still didn't. Your husband needs help.