By mat - 21/01/2009 06:02 - France

Today, me and my family watched the video of my birth. In the video, when my mother sees me for the first time, she says "God he's ugly!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 230
You deserved it 2 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

Am I the only who thinks watching the video of your birth with your entire family is kind of ... weird?

yotsu 14

Yeah, being drugged up and/or in severe pain will do that. When my Dad told my Mom "Honey, we have two beautiful baby girls" she replied with " Frankly, I don't give a F***"


ishtara 9

The first thing my uncle said when he saw me was "Have you already reported that accident?"

Magmashift 11

In all fairness, newborn babies look like potatoes covered in blood

Who looks at new borns and are like “look he’s so beautiful” , newborns are ugly as shit