By bit - 30/07/2009 10:01 - United States

Today, me and my girls went to get revenge on a girl who slept with my boyfriend by egging her house. Her house was too far away so we decided to get her truck. We wasted a carton of eggs on her driveway because we all have terrible aim and look incredibly stupid for missing so bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 482
You deserved it 64 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First, you shouldn't be mad at her. HE is the one who dogged you. Secondly, grow up, get a life and realize that anyone who makes you that angry and treats you like that isn't worth the power it takes to squish a bug. What a waste. Go find someone who acctually loves you and wants to be with you. Come on, suck it up and move on, and have a nice day. You deserve better.

Lolbrittany 0

should've egged HIS house/vehicle.


bexox 0

Actually chicken eggs have been fertilized, and they could grow into babies if they were just taken care of rather than put into a refrigerator. You can't really compare chicken eggs to a woman's period because the mammalian mode of reproduction and avian (bird) reproduction are A LITTLE different. :)

what are you 12? vandalizing someones house isn't revenge. it's just making more work for her parents. you are an idiot. ydi

It takes TWO to have sex, so i'd say she should have asked about the boyfriend being in couple (or is it the op thinking the guy is her boyfriend although they never actually dated or stated they were together..) Anyway everyone is an asshole here

decibel_beads 0

egging someone's car for revenge? seriously? you and your "girls" used a whole carton and NONE of you got her car? you should have saved yourself some trouble (and a lot of eggs) by egging your bitch ass boyfriend instead - shouldn't you be mad at his cheating ass anyway?


YDI for being a fat, ugly, bitch-*****.

How old are you anyway, OP? 5 perhaps? Do you not know that objects get closer when you walk toward them?