By bit - 30/07/2009 10:01 - United States

Today, me and my girls went to get revenge on a girl who slept with my boyfriend by egging her house. Her house was too far away so we decided to get her truck. We wasted a carton of eggs on her driveway because we all have terrible aim and look incredibly stupid for missing so bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 482
You deserved it 64 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First, you shouldn't be mad at her. HE is the one who dogged you. Secondly, grow up, get a life and realize that anyone who makes you that angry and treats you like that isn't worth the power it takes to squish a bug. What a waste. Go find someone who acctually loves you and wants to be with you. Come on, suck it up and move on, and have a nice day. You deserve better.

Lolbrittany 0

should've egged HIS house/vehicle.


Aside from the obvious "you should be mad at your bf," "egging houses is immature," etc., how the hell did you miss with an entire carton of eggs? And why didn't you just get closer to the house/truck for better aim? Idiot.

YDI for being immature crybabies. And like someone said before, you should be more mad at your boyfriend.

you must be a dumb ***** for getting revenge on the girl who slept with your bf....maybe you should just go get a pair of scissor and run around in your front yard

why would you not egg your BOYFRIEND'S house? maybe i'm missing some information here, but perhaps the girl was innocent in all this and didn't know that your "boyfriend" was already ******* somebody else...or maybe you're just jealous cause he would rather **** her than you. YDI

I ******* hate people like you. Like, seriously HATE. If your boyfriend cheats on you, why are you going to blame the other girl? Because you're such a ******* pussy that if your boyfriend still wants to date you, you'd go ahead and do it. And if his guilt is bad enough that he'll propose to you after he cheated, then hell, you got a ring on your finger, right?!!? Get a life, you're a dumb bitch.

omg these people bug me so bad. Like really why does the OP deserve to die early? And all of the other comments that are so immature. If you think the OPs immature just read the comments. Seriously calm down.

Words don't show immaturity, if they did, every single person on this planet would be immature. Immaturity is shown by stupid actions, and this was the cream of the crop.

lmmmr 0

So long as you know better. :) And adelaide, menstration and ovulation are not the same thing.

triplethreat13 0

epic fail!!!! everyone knows you don't mess with anybody's cars. EVER. and don't even try to egg anything if you know you throw like a bimbo.

You deserved it. Why would you be THAT mad at the girl, instead of going after your cheating, piece of crap boyfriend.