By Anonymous - 16/05/2015 00:50 - United States

Today, my 14-year-old daughter told me she's pregnant and plans on dropping out of school to live a life on the road with her boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 238
You deserved it 7 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some strict parenting! This is your chance to set her on the right path, to define the rest of her life :)

At least there's a spot for her on MTV.


I guess all you can do now is make her get ready to be a parent...

Statutory rape. Contact the doctor to see if she is pregnant then the police if she is.

I had my son at 17 and it was hard as hell but he made my life better. My mother was livid and extremely disappointed. She came around after a couple of months and loves him to death. I've been married to his father for two years and we have an awesome life. It's not the ideal situation being pregnant that young but you'll make it work. Good luck!

It is absolutely to young but can't change it now.

keirachuter 13

I'm fourteen and despite my age, I would never dream of doing anything this shocking. Education first✌?️

I wish it was still acceptable to put our daughters in dragon-guarded towers until the day when her true prince came to rescue her. Haha Just Kidding. Do you know how hard it would be to find a dragon?

gintwinsmoore 20

#64, actually, that's not a bad idea at all. Maybe we should look for the Loch Ness monster together, build a tower and ask him to guard our daughters for us. LOL

Lol have you not seen Game of Thrones? No dragon will stop a young woman

This is when you tell her no. I think at that age you can force her to do it.

Weather the OP agrees or not with their daughters pregnancy, the life of the grandchild is up to the one who is carrying the grandchild. Even at that young an age.

#121 i *think* this pp is talking about dropping out of school which legally you cant do til 16.

The question is-how old is her boyfriend if he can drive?

Was she pranking you for a YouTube video. I just watched a bunch of these so Ik what I'm talking about

American Education system doing it's work on sex ed.

Ironically enough there was 69 comments before me.