By anonymous - 14/08/2011 01:17 - United States

Today, my 14-year-old son was terrified of going into the water near our house, because he was scared of having his leg bitten off by a shark. We live by a lake. I tried explaining why it couldn't happen, but he just cowered behind a beach towel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 183
You deserved it 4 820

Same thing different taste


Too much shark week? I'm really scared of sharks too. I won't go in the ocean, just in lakes. Once when I was a kid the surf was Really calm and my mom told me it was just the biggest lake I'd ever seen, well I got stung by a jellyfish and figured it out and never trusted her again.

sdupont127 3

If he really thinks theres a shark in there, hes stupid. But i have a phobia of sharks and even though i know there not in lakes or pools im still terrified when i swim. If i see water something in my brain triggers all these horrible images of me being eaten by one. Cant explain it, but its a heart stopping, adrenaline induced terror of mine! So dont force him in if he doesnt want to go in!!! Youll just terrify him and f@ck him up even more!

katecst 3

I'm the same way...not pools though. I tell myself it's stupid though and go in anyways.

flippinfail_fml 7

Someone has been watching too much shark week!!

perdix 29

He must have seen the preview for the upcoming movie "Shark Night." The premise of the movie involves a killer shark that lives in a lake, even though it is "impossible." I'm afraid if he has seen that, you're going to have a land-lubber on your hands. Just hope that "Shark Night 2" doesn't involve a shark that attacks from showers and bathtubs, or your gullible kid will become a dirty, dirty man.

kawi227 0

Someone shouldn't of let him watch shark night!

gyroballer 0

my friend erec shun was killed by a lake shark

perdix 29

So was my friend, Hugh Jass. G-D Lake Sharks!

Panther1983 0

Too much Shark Week for the boy. I suggest you should block his T.V. with your parental controls.

lauren121885 1

That kid probably shouldn't have watched shark week.