By anonymous - 14/08/2011 01:17 - United States

Today, my 14-year-old son was terrified of going into the water near our house, because he was scared of having his leg bitten off by a shark. We live by a lake. I tried explaining why it couldn't happen, but he just cowered behind a beach towel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 183
You deserved it 4 820

Same thing different taste


If they have land sharks then they can have lake sharks too. ;)

Priscillaaa_fml 1

haha he must be a real bitch

Unless you raised a retard he was probably playing dumb because he didnt want to swim

katecst 3

I'm kinda the same...I'm terrified of sharks!! I'll go in a lake, but I'm secretly afraid of any body of water...

Bull sharks can survive in fresh water.

I had the same problem! I had a very overactive imagination.

Is he retarded ? otherwise that's ridiculous

yellow minion 14