By anonymous - 14/08/2011 01:17 - United States

Today, my 14-year-old son was terrified of going into the water near our house, because he was scared of having his leg bitten off by a shark. We live by a lake. I tried explaining why it couldn't happen, but he just cowered behind a beach towel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 182
You deserved it 4 818

Same thing different taste


I personally blame discovery channel for this

kelsey_katie 17

I find this rather shocking, I'm 17 and I'm terrified of going swimming in a swimming pool, let alone a lake because I feel like something is going to eat me. You're scared of something that someone else would think is stupid. But do you have any control over that? Should we shove you in a box if you're claustrophobic?

chlslynnn 0

he watched to much shark week

skylerXx 6

He needs to man up...and gain some intelligence and/or common sense.

cheer him up by showing him the film Jaws :D

Take him to go see that "Shark Night: 3D" movie. That should help.

Maybe THAT could be the source of his fear...

perdix 29

Definitely, don't see the **** take-off "Shart Night: 3D," unless you are into scat!