By Anonymous - 30/07/2011 02:10 - United States

Today, my 17 year old asked me whether to chew or swallow grapes. I raised this dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 385
You deserved it 18 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids learn from their parents you know...

pwincessa23 1

you should have told him to swallow it! if he chocked than you can tell him "and that is why you don't swallow grapes"


poweredbyparamor 0

my dad owns his own business, has a two story house, owns three vehicles, has 3 kids and a happy marriage of 23 years. he doesnt chew his macaroni and cheese, he just swallows it. **** you you insensitive herpes sore

pwincessa23 1
LinTurk 4

Thanks for sharing. That's wonderful for your dad and all, but it's a little different. Mac and Cheese is soft, Where as Grapes would be a big choking hazard.

JacqJacqAttack 0

holy shit!! wtf is yhur problem!! yhur dad has nothing to do with this bitch! so just go back to licking some chicks clit yhu ****! and yhu just got cussed out by a 12 year old who is undoubtly more clever and smarter than yhu, for realizing tht macaroni and grapes are different, and a 17 year old and a probably 60 year old are much different bitch

I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree

the grapes don't fall far from the .. bush

NaomiMadison 4

Let him figure it out on his own, just be there to save him if he starts choking!

Agreed! I think that my parents used to tell me to chew my food.

Wow, you're an ass if you could call your own child that.

Today, I looked on and saw that my mom called me a dumbass. FML

well u know wad they always say, u are how ur parents teach... besides, it takes one to know one... wad were you doing while ur kid was a child and in need of attention? smoking pot and taking drugs? YDI

OP, you scream "I deserve it!" If you call your child a "dumbass" and claim that he/she was raised by you, what does that say about you?

Sophiesaurus115 1

But what if he's never had grapes before? Honestly guys, how is he supposed to know what to do with grapes? You can't expect someone to be born, already with the knowledge of how to consume certain foods. >.