By Anonymous - 22/10/2014 16:09 - Norway - Egersund

Today, my 17-year-old son managed to easily convince my 13-year-old daughter that if you have sex before getting married, you'll instantly get horrible diseases that will kill you. Her freaking out is how I found out she's not only gullible as hell, but sexually active as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 306
You deserved it 6 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Fo Shizzle... get it? because it rhymes? no?... okay

Anyone have the number for MTV's Teen Mom?? Might come in handy soon!

I'm 15 and no one at my school or anyone around me has had sex or any of the sort. It's not the OP's fault. There are some children out there who are not mature enough to think straight, and some that are. You can be 21 and still have the mind of a 12 year old child. It's the friends she has.

WTF she's only 13!! How the hell did she even got to a situation even close to a sexual one?! Girl, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure you ****** up sonewhere along the way. This is a pure outcome of education, nothing else.

Teens are more likely to get STDs. So technically, he's doing her a favor

When I was 13, I didn't even know what sex was ?

dave20012 15

Wow. I'm stunned for words..I mean my sons 11 and he still doesn't even leave the yard when he plays outside or visiting his cousin. They both still play with some toys and video games. Sorry OP I couldn't imagine what your going through. And hopefully she learns more facts about sex Good luck

Well..technically the statement isn't can get horrible diseases if you're not using protection.

Should have left the parenting to your son

She is immature enough to think she'll die yet is actively engaging in intercourse. The world is over sexualised. Young'uns can't escape it.