By blegh - 27/12/2011 21:50 - United Kingdom

Today, my 18-year-old son asked me if I was a virgin. I still don't know what to say to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 138
You deserved it 8 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dpope06 0

guessing no one had the "talk" with him. lol fyl and your sons


Say yes OP, then tell him you found him under a mushroom.

"We found you under the mushroom" will be the new "the stork bought you here" :P haha!

tell him yes he is adopted and your thinking of returning him.

JaysFanStu 3

It's ur fault that he asked the question in the first place. He's 18. U were lazy in not telling him about sex. U deserved it!!

Tell him yes, and he should get his shit together because in 15 years or so they are going to nail his ass to a cross.