By Kutakito - 15/04/2013 20:18 - Sweden - Saltsj?baden

Today, my 25 year old brother dumped all my underwear into the fireplace for interrupting him while he was playing WoW. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 420
You deserved it 12 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he gets accepted to Yale, burn his letter! What could go wrong?

Could be worse OP. He could have thrown YOU into the fireplace.


As a WoW player.. I can say you got off easy, he was probably in the middle of a raid.. jeez. I'd have burnt all your clothes.

And making assumptions is why you will never have friends. I have a boyfriend, I get laid regularly.

sukeforth 9

Some people just get really serious about that game. Youtube WoW freakouts and theres some really funny ones lol

MeganLovesPandas 5

What kind of punishment is that? "Lol well time to go burn my sisters underwear. This will teach her." Someone needs a time out.

Megan639 16

All sarcasm aside, that was shitty of him.

yzzami 17

I cant help but feel theres something the poster is omitting.

A bit extreme for the situation. If he is that obsessed with WOW then I am sure this the first time hes has touched a girls panties

A grown-ass man shouldn't be behaving like that. I once had a roommate who didn't shower and literally *never* left the room because he was busy playing WoW. I eventually had him kicked the **** out. Different strokes for different folks, but as a gamer myself, you can't let the game(s) control your life.


Was he at least in the middle of something big? It's even more of a dick move if he was just hanging around in one of the peaceful places rather than in the middle of fighting a big ass raid boss...