By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:45 - Norway

Today, my 3 year old kid wanted to do something nice. I told him he could pick up some of his toys. He washed my new Iphone instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 952
You deserved it 7 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmmmr 0

Fail. Don't let kids or animals near your iphone unsupervised.


At least it has a warrenty... let's hope that it covers water damage... and if not.... I'm sorry for your loss =( but at least he was trying to do something nice!) #87, you have an ample point.

BluEG0pher 0

now, make him save up to buy you a new one

collision115 0

@#87 not really. Lithium Charge batteries like the ones in phones are designed not to do that. They expect people to have accidents like this and make fail safes so they don't get sued. I'm not positive how it works, but I beleive it has 3 contact patches unstead of 2, and if all 3 are connected it doesn't produce a current. Like the case would be in water. In short, the kid was fine, and this is hilarious. Oh, and @#89...hes 3. Save up how? Seriously?

Well, having a son I know kids can do some dumb shit. In this case, it sounds like they were just trying to do something nice for you... However, at 3 years old they don't understand what can, and cannot get wet. That is why I tend to keep things out of reach of my son that are easily damaged. I have seen parents let their kids play with their phones, and when you find gum on the keypad, or the phone in the kids mouth they get mad. It isn't the kids fault, they just don't understand, they haven't developed that logic yet. Some people never do. hopefully he learned early that water and electronics don't mix. If you've ever had a pet you needed to pet proof the house. The same thing happens with kids... At 3 years old they are going to get into everything, and mess around with anything... why? Who knows, the best answer I can come up with is simply that they are 3 years old.

give him a toaster and tell him to take it for a shower, he'll never mess with water and electronics again you're welcome

muppet_fml 0

that's incredibly unfortunate, but it's definitely your fault... kids shouldn't be within arm's reach of anything that costs over $50.

You seem ungrateful. You don't call your son 'my three year old kid', it sounds like you don't care about him at all. And posting an FML about this makes it seem even more like that. He's 3, they make mistakes. Don't leave your phone where he can get it.

qwertyuiop8989 0

YDI for having a dirty Iphone

alexgisforme3 0

haha alex gaskarth washed his iphone and he said it was fine loool.