By sammylynnp - 07/01/2016 05:39 - United States - Kenosha
sammylynnp tells us more.
OP here: Yes he was breastfed for about 5 months. Due to unfortunate medical problems, we had to switch completely to formula. His brother, however, is currently breastfeeding. At 4 years old, he has lots of questions and I try to answer them all as honestly as I can. I in NOW WAY judge people about formula feeding. As long as the baby is happy and healthy, do what you do, which I've also tried to teach him.
Top comments
It seems breastfeeding is a taboo in the USA. Bah!
No, not at all. Some women just use formula because of personal reasons
I am not talking about the exceptions. I am a mother and I breastfed my two kids. But there is a lot of resistance to breastfeeding due to the propaganda made in the 70s and 80s to promote the formula over breastfeeding and it worked.
@35 I've never seen anyone have a problem with breastfeeding. Public breastfeeding on the other hand is a different story. In my experience, the choice of formula is usually because breastfeeding is not an option, not just because they think formula is better.
#37, I am telling by experience. Once, I have to go to my car in the parking lot because breastfeeding my baby was gross to some in a restaurant.
Actually, as you can see by this post, formula is much more taboo and there's even TV commercials against it. It has brainwashed our society into forfeiting a woman's rights to her own breasts with amount of negative stigma surrounding formula.
He is right though. "Boobie-feeding" is more nutritious, and gives the child a higher IQ!
Yes, and vaccines cause autism. No, breast feeding does not give the child a higher IQ, it just makes them a generally stronger person in the long run. IQ is kinda dumb and doesn't actually measure any kind of intellect. All it really does is give people bragging rights IMO.
Most of the research "proving" that didn't factor in socioecomics. Most mothers who are able to take the time off work to breastfeed are wealthier, but studies that have controlled for SES have shown no impact on IQ, health, anything for schoolchildren no matter how they were fed as babies.
A 4 year old? Okay.
...and what was the problem, excactly?
There are certainly worse things that he could have said. The fact that he is well aware of the benefits of breast feeding is wonderful. And the teacher should know that kids have no filter.
I'm really surprised how many people apparently are impressed by a four year old telling an adult woman how to raise her kid. Sure, it's not the kids fault, they have no filter and he's just a kid and is repeating what he's heard. But c'mon, don't act like the teacher should be grateful for such a yogi of wisdom. Pregnant women get enough unsolicited advice as it is.
#27 why are you asking women how they feed their child? why do you care what she does with her own boobs? That very much IS an inappropriate question
Being impressed by a kid and thinking the teacher should be grateful are not the same thing. You can think one without thinking the other. So what exactly is your point?
okay #25. go and explain to a four year old about what's inappropriate LOL &good luck to you. I understand your point. but really? it's a TODDLER. they just like to share what they know and what they don't know is all "why??" with them.
My question is where the child heard/learned it from.
Possible he has a younger sibling and mum has explained. My niece is 3 and her favourite word is "why". Explanations can get quite deep after the 4th "why?"!
Moon men probably.
Your kid is well informed. Am I the only one impressed?
smart kid. just looking out for the good of his teacher.