By sammylynnp - 07/01/2016 05:39 - United States - Kenosha

Today, my 4 year old's heavily pregnant teacher pulled me aside and asked me to talk to my son about "boundaries". Apparently, he asked her if she was going to "boobie feed" him and listed a few reasons why she should and why formula is bad, in front of the entire class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 718
You deserved it 3 338

sammylynnp tells us more.

OP here: Yes he was breastfed for about 5 months. Due to unfortunate medical problems, we had to switch completely to formula. His brother, however, is currently breastfeeding. At 4 years old, he has lots of questions and I try to answer them all as honestly as I can. I in NOW WAY judge people about formula feeding. As long as the baby is happy and healthy, do what you do, which I've also tried to teach him.

Top comments

Your kid is well informed. Am I the only one impressed?

smart kid. just looking out for the good of his teacher.


I honestly think the teacher overreacted. It's healthy for your son to be comfortable around these matters, and asking these kind of questions. Someone teaching young children should be expecting uncomfortable questions, but I don't think this was the case. Maybe she's one of those people who's embarrassed about public breastfeeding or something?

bad_boyfriend 10

God I hate those anti formula moms. FACT: were it not for formula, thousands of children would die each year. Not everyone can produce enough milk to feed their kid.

*insert thank you gif* This "breast is best" is a load of crap. There are a lot of medical professionals that are now backpedaling on that because it actually isn't always the case.

No, babies wouldn't die, we'd just still have wet nurses.

bad_boyfriend 10

You should do a little reading. Wet nurses were never something poor people had access to, and if there were no formula they wouldn't have access to them today. Wet nurses were and are for the rich (wet nurses still exist btw). So I will repeat, without formula thousands of children would die each year.

I honestly see no problem in asking the question. I feel like if the teacher had a problem with it then she should have addressed the problem, I mean, what else is someone teaching a 4 year old going to teach them other than social skills? Aside from that, it's a valid question and a good topic for conversation. Not to mention that obviously the op has taught their child good reasoning skills as well as how to rationally state an opinion. I have yet to meet a four year old that can list reasons for their opinion unless prodded by an adult.

OP what an intelligent young man you have! and that's cute he was concerned about his teacher and her baby. haha literally the cutest that he wanted to make sure her baby got what was best for it. all in MYOWNOPINION..I personally think all he needs to be talked about is boundaries and privacy. and good for him for not looking at boobs as anything other than what they are there for

Congrats op, many parents would make something up or lie to there children, instead of just explaining to him clearly why you were feeding his younger sibling in that manner. good for you for your honesty and for teaching him. I feel sorry for his teacher, being embarressed by his line of questioning. I can empathize as a recent parent myself, I remember how everyone had an "opinion" as to how we should raise our daughter, and sadly most people were very forceful in their beliefs. going so far as to say that if we didn't do certain things we were unfit parents. One person who used that phrase told us our child should not own or play with any toys until she was 5 otherwise she would be a spoiled brat and not appreciate anything, and they were much older than 4. Whether or not people believe he was out of line, I wish that people would have been as nice, caring, and truly concerned as your 4 year old was for his teacher.

White blood cells and breast feeding are not even related to the subject. Nice try though.

although I'm sure it was a rather uncomfortable situation...but a teacher of 4 year olds should be aware of how curious they are. and that kids have NO FILTERS..not sure if maybe the hormones made it worse than it actually was...but in MY opinion...he sounds like a smart child that was just curious and wanted what was best for the teachers baby. he just went about it in a rather inappropriate way.

she should be more accepting and proud bc your son is educated while breastfeeding isn't for everyone it's still nice to know your son is educated you should be proud