By sammylynnp - 07/01/2016 05:39 - United States - Kenosha
sammylynnp tells us more.
OP here: Yes he was breastfed for about 5 months. Due to unfortunate medical problems, we had to switch completely to formula. His brother, however, is currently breastfeeding. At 4 years old, he has lots of questions and I try to answer them all as honestly as I can. I in NOW WAY judge people about formula feeding. As long as the baby is happy and healthy, do what you do, which I've also tried to teach him.
Top comments
Cool kid... Also teach him that some mummy's don't have a choice though. Love it though.
great kid :)) he'd have been fine with his demands in society a few hundred years ago and in the animal's not his fault society changed about that matter :)) don't know if it's too early for the explanation that every person decides themselves about their body being touched / boundaries and the special bond that only mommies share with their own his age, he naturally sees the breast solely as a food source and thinks it only fair that the one in charge of his care and wellbeing should let him have access to it..he seems very bright and I'm sure you'll find the right way to explain the scurrilities of society to him.
It's not even that society has changed THAT much. A lot of mothers breastfeed their children and some, for one or the other reason, don't. It was much the same before formula was even invented, though the alternative back then were wet nurses. The only thing that really changed is the amount of bitter, polarized discussion about it, with the internet providing a platform where the critical mass for a neverending discussion is easily gathered. It is fed by mothers that need to pretend to be uber-mothers so they can feel better about their own parenting skills when their colicky baby has kept them awake night after night for months and they are on their wit's end, and by mothers that made a choice they secretly regret after becoming more informed, or that weren't able to choose and need to lift their conscience by adamantly defending their way. Most mothers go along doing what they think is best and leave other mothers and their choices be their problem.
Ok that's damn hilarious
smart kid. he'll probably get beat up one day for saying the wrong thing to some insecure moron, but smart kid nontheless.
smart kid
I'm pretty impressed. Smart kid, knowing all that at age four. Probably just not the place for it
Not really. He's just repeating what he's heard. Which, shame on whoever he heard that from because formula isn't bad. In some cases, it's actually much better than breast milk. Whoever said those things is the kind of person I hate. They judge complete strangers for simply trying to ensure their child is fed.
Formula isn't bad and sometimes a life saver. Breastmilk is more awesome in most cases, though I fully admit I'm biased because my SIL is a nursing consultant and an MD. Which is why I breastfed my sons. If, for whatever reason, you chose to follow another route, that's fine too, as long as your kids didn't go hungry.
Your kid is well informed. Am I the only one impressed?
smart kid. just looking out for the good of his teacher.