By sammylynnp - 07/01/2016 05:39 - United States - Kenosha
sammylynnp tells us more.
OP here: Yes he was breastfed for about 5 months. Due to unfortunate medical problems, we had to switch completely to formula. His brother, however, is currently breastfeeding. At 4 years old, he has lots of questions and I try to answer them all as honestly as I can. I in NOW WAY judge people about formula feeding. As long as the baby is happy and healthy, do what you do, which I've also tried to teach him.
Top comments
OP here: Yes he was breastfed for about 5 months. Due to unfortunate medical problems, we had to switch completely to formula. His brother, however, is currently breastfeeding. At 4 years old, he has lots of questions and I try to answer them all as honestly as I can. I in NOW WAY judge people about formula feeding. As long as the baby is happy and healthy, do what you do, which I've also tried to teach him.
I think there are some people who are very sensitive on the subject. I know women who are because they wanted to breast feed but didn't, and then they felt judged because they were judging themselves. I don't think your son did anything wrong, he stated information, not an opinion. He is too young to have an actual opinion on this matter as he is not old enough to fully understand it. His teacher should recognize this, but her hormones may have been taking over. Regardless, be proud your son is so interested in the subject. It sounds like he is very involved and curious!
While I agree that everyone should be a little less sensitive about these things, I don't think the teacher's complaint should be blamed on hormones. It must be incredibly aggravating to have your every thought dismissed as "you're pregnant so you must be overreacting". This is clearly something that bothered her and should at least be acknowledged as a valid opinion (even if it's not one anyone agrees with).
#118, a 4 year old doesn't have personal opinions or reasonings regarding breastfeeding, he's repeating what he's been told
I agree with 121. He got that from somewhere. And all kids want to do at that age is parrot what their heros (usually parents) do and say. Kids are sponges and he obviously absorbed something bad. YDI
What's bad #141? This sweet 4yo boy just wanted what he was taught to be best for his teacher's baby. He could have just as easily not given a shit or said something purposely hurtful or harmful for the baby. He's a sweet thoughtful child that just needs to be spoken to about personal (emotional) boundaries.
You know that's not what they were implying. Get your head out of your ass. They're 100% right also. OP is fighting sexism by teaching her son that breasts aren't shameful, they're for feeding babies. Obviously he should be taught that not everyone is aware of the fact that breasts are not shameful, and that the pre-school classroom isn't the appropriate place to talk about it. Doesn't negate the first part of my comment.
She is also clearly hormonal. That's adorable, you clearly have a bright kid and you should be proud! The teacher needs to realize she's dealing with 4 year olds! She needs to learn how to laugh things off.
56, if you read my comment thoroughly, I did say that OP should discuss and teach her son boundaries and privacy. It's not appropriate for anyone of any age, in any situation, to ask or give unsolicited opinions about personal matters (such as breastfeeding). And this is a good time to teach the kid about privacy and boundaries. As a teacher myself, I'm used to students asking (sometimes rude and invasive) personal questions or statements (as I'm sure this kid's teacher is). I always use those questions as an opportunity to teach about curtesy and respect. The kid's four. Four year olds aren't really known for their great judgement and impeccable social graces....
Too many young children are held to a social standard that is unreasonable. Impressive that a 4 year old can comprehend the positive aspects of breastfeeding. Call it a funny story that you can recall when your child is older.
F that teacher, OP. Your son was acting like a normal, curious child.
Are people really suggesting the teacher was in the wrong for asking OP to teach her son about boundaries just because he's 4? "Kids will be kids" and that's why adults are supposed to correct and teach them what's right. It's not unreasonable to request a four-year-old be taught there's such a thing as inappropriate questions and he shouldn't ask.
I agree with you to some extent, but being a teacher myself, I think calling in the parents for that is a bit of an overreaction. The teacher could have explained those boundaries to the child herself and possibly mention it to the parents if necessary, but yes, to me it does seem likes she's blowing it out of proportions.
Your son is awesome, great that the future generation is advocating and promoting breastfeeding at such a young age. Feel proud Mama you're doing a good job.
And what is she is planning to use formula? He just shamed her. Unknowingly yes, but that's exactly why you don't cross those lines. Totally inappropriate.
Too often breastfeeding is not thought of as first option due to lack of information, support and stigmatisation. If you are going to bottle feed you get less questions and opinions than breastfeeding. So for this boy to ask about and state information on breastfeeding he is just thinking of the babies best interests, if the teacher wants to bottle feed thats fine at least now she is better informed
Yes sometimes children do know more or in the very least will ask questions. As adults we know to socially filter questions, children just ask everything and sometimes will ask what we haven't thought of
My 4 year old isnt going to know the word "boobie" and if he does unfortunately learn he will not use it so casually...
Really can you police what comes out of your child's mouth? Honestly children learn, say and do things that you may not like and will do all this casually or seriously just to test the reactions of others
what's so bad about the word boobie?
My three year old has known basic anatomy (boob, penis, ******) since she was two. It doesn't hurt to tell them the proper words for things.
You won't believe what my recently 3 year old has picked up already. Boobie is pretty harmless in comparison. He is in daycare and has an older brother who is in preschool. Words circulate through groups, and the more adult attention they generate, the more attractive they are. So, unless you are the only person she meets until her fifth birthday, there isn't much of a chance to limit her vocabulary to words you approve of.
I honesty don't find this bad that he asked. He's a kid at least he knows
Your kid is well informed. Am I the only one impressed?
smart kid. just looking out for the good of his teacher.