By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


PuNkGiRl2231 13

where did you put that amount of money that a four year old could get to it?... comeon now...really?

Justwannacoment 7

Im not against spanking. i was spanked all the time as a kid, but 1) hes four years old and dint know better 2) Its not like spanking him will get the money back.

why do you have over 500 dollars laying around that he can get too? you deserve it. 1 for having a shredder on where a 4 year old can use it ( your lucky it wasnt his fingers) and 2 for leaving money out.

jre89 0

Unless it was all in hundreds the kid was probably sticking the money through the shredder for awhile. I'm curious how the parent didn't hear it the second it went off. I have a 17 month old and she has done so wild things so I do know how kids can be.

You put your 4 year old son within reach of $500 and a shredder? Don't be hilarious...

Can't you get fined for that, cause a dollar bill costs 3 cents to make, I think?

Like what the hell was he suppose to do? The 4 year old decided to do that, the parent wasen't suppose to give it to him, and he didnt know he'd be that stupid. Like put it in a chamber then never have it back ever again?

Your fault for leaving money around the house like that.