By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


Yeah, 288 is right, if your kid is dumb enough to stick their hand in a paper shredder or if you don't teach them what it is, YDI. But sorry it happened :s I think if you tape them back together you can take it to the bank and they will replace them.

Yeah, 288 is right, if your kid is dumb enough to stick their hand in a paper shredder or if you don't teach them what it is, YDI. But sorry it happened :s I think if you tape them back together you can take it to the bank and they will replace them.

Edenbeam 19

Why would you leave $500 OR a shredder where your four-year-old could get his hands on them, much less both?

I hope you at least had it replaced. The US Treasury does that if 50% or more of the bills can be identified as US Currency. They take moldy money and give people their money back...

Where was the $500 and where was the shredder? A shredder shouldn't be easily accessible for a child. Be happy you were only careless enough to leave $500 somewhere that your four year old could get it and that they didnt stick their hand in the shredder too.

You know, a four year old will find something to stick in there. It doesn't matter how "trained" that child is, they'll get a hold of something you never in a million years thought they would.

I'm still trying to find a logical explanation for all of the YDI comments. Obviously, Maxwell didn't have a stack of $500 lying around. Kids will get a hold of anything they want. I used to babysit a three-year-old who could find chocolate no matter where you hid it, even when he had a cold and had no sense of smell. They're also implying that Maxwell should have known this was coming. No one on this forum can honestly say they can predict the actions of a four-year-old throughout the day.

tbfldftba 0

I agree that these things should not be easily accessible to a child. But kids that age can get into anything in seconds. My grandmothers tells us about a time when she got my mother (about 3 at the time) dressed for a party, then put her in her room and went to the bathroom. In the moments she was gone my mother went down stairs and emptied every bottle and jar she could reach from the fridge all over her frilly little dress because she didn't want to wear it.