By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


You know, if you still have the shredded money, you can send it in the treasury. For every bill that they can find at least 50% of the pieces, they'll replace the bill. So if you kept all the shredded pieces, you get it all replaced for about $3 in shipping.

Why does everyone have to be so judgmental and negative? People need to stop saying that it was 'terrible parenting', or they were 'unfit parents'? Gosh, get a life and accept the fact that no one's perfect. Like its been said numerous times, its hard to watch a child every second of the day. Quit criticizing other people for their mistakes or mishaps and move on. You people need to mature. And the funny thing is, most of you criticizing her are teenagers like me. How much do you really know about watching a child? Granted, probably about half of you have little rug rats in your family tree, but how much do you know about raising your own child? Lay off and get a life, please. The OP was simply sharing her story with the world - for YOUR entertainment. Thank the lady and move on.

One more thing: is all the swearing REALLY necessary?

Man, reading FML makes me wish I was more reckless when I was a kid. I was waaaay too careful when I was young. The things kids get away with...Too late now :P

Honestly, you guys are getting worked up over nothing. The kid did what he did, it was funny. Sure, a bit stupid of the parents but hey, it's not like something even remotely close to this has happen to you. Things can happen in a matter of second. Just relax. I thought this was pretty hilarious since my son last week threw away money from my purse thinking it was trash

if you still have the shredded cash you can take it into the bank to be replaced, may have to be a federal bank instead of a commercial bank.

Pixiex420xstix 1

Maybe you should watch your child and not have $500 and a paper shredder in reach of your 4 year old. Dumbass.

consider this 500$ a fee for telling you something very very important... CHILDPROOF your house! Do that NOW, before he loses a hand, an eye, or his very life.

illegal and wrong if u wanna waste 500 give it to me