By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


SinfulEnd 20

why do you leave over $500 in the open? Are you stupid?! Wait, where do you live, specifically? Just for reference.

Get the shredds!!!!!!!!! If you take them to the bank and find at least two peaces with the same barcode (every bill has two barcodes; one on the left and one on the right) they will replace it!!!!!!

I can't figure out two things in here... the first is how is it possible for a 4 year old to have acess to a shredder. The second, how does he have acess to such a big amount of money. I've have brothers I know how they are always messing around, damaging stuff, being curious... the whole bit. But I also know there are certain things that shouldn't be let around the house. money and a shredder are certainly two of them. My parents got a gate for the stairs so my siblings couldn't go up and everything that had value was out of their sight. When they grow up and managed to open the gate we had a specific division of the house locked and the key hidden. Just as simple.

Labyrinth13 20

Why does your ******* 4 year old have access to that much money?! You deserve it for leaving things that important where your badly watched kid can get to them.

I'm not a parent but I do have to babysit, so I can relate to watching a kid for a while. You shouldn't allow your child to get close to a paper shredder. You also shouldn't allow your child to get a hold of something that contains money. Two things you should've hidden but you didn't. You deserve it.

ninja_darkstar 6

YDI for not supervising your child more. The paper shredder should not be on or within his reach. He could get hurt. Second, why do you have over $500 in cash at home, anyways? And if you do, why is it within easy reach of your 4 year old?

supersquirel500 10

time for a 12 year grounding

elmateo_fml 9

I would punish him super fast