By baldygirl - 02/11/2009 20:04 - United States

Today, my 7 year old brother decided that it would be fun to cut off my hair. I woke from a long nap after working the late shift, to about 15 inches of my long blonde hair all over my bed and floor. I now have bloody bald spots and really choppy hair about 3 inches long. He got away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 007
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch :[ Sorry girly ! Cut your parents' hair (if they're heavy sleepers like you, awesome. If not, NyQuil..), and blame it on your brother.. Bet he won't get away with it after that :]

noshitsherlock 0

Seriously, wouldn't you wake up when the bloody bald spots were created? That sucks though.. you should take away ALL his toys and give them to charity and shave the little shit's head down to the scalp and vandalize it with Sharpies.


T3hstory0fmylif3 0

Smh not cool at all. Style it and work with it. Still, ur a pretty deep sleeper aren't u??


I would of beat that little brats face off and make him cry for his mommy. If your like me then just beat him up.

... Yeah right, what retard lets their son get away with that? You should've beat the s**t out of him, or your parents for being so stupid.

Polish12308 0

YDI for not beating the shit out of him until he bleeds from his ass.

oh my god I have long blonde hair too and I love it..... if my brother ever did this to me he would lose his dick

ZacharyorAndrew 0

lets hope u know some wig stores op

DeadlyAlice1725 0

if my brother EVER did this to me, i swear to ******* god i would kill him.