By baldygirl - 02/11/2009 20:04 - United States

Today, my 7 year old brother decided that it would be fun to cut off my hair. I woke from a long nap after working the late shift, to about 15 inches of my long blonde hair all over my bed and floor. I now have bloody bald spots and really choppy hair about 3 inches long. He got away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 007
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch :[ Sorry girly ! Cut your parents' hair (if they're heavy sleepers like you, awesome. If not, NyQuil..), and blame it on your brother.. Bet he won't get away with it after that :]

noshitsherlock 0

Seriously, wouldn't you wake up when the bloody bald spots were created? That sucks though.. you should take away ALL his toys and give them to charity and shave the little shit's head down to the scalp and vandalize it with Sharpies.


Kill the ******* bastard. Lock him in a portable toilet and set fire. ****, I hate kids.

This really sucks you should act as if you are really angry about this but you can't do anything cos you'd get in trouble. but still be thinking of the perfect way to get him back. id say maybe if he has a favorite stuffed animal maybe either cut all of its hair off or maybe burn it so its still recognizable and put a noose around its neck and hang it in front of is bed while he sleeping. best of luck. m/(>.

Bull shit. If you had bloody bald spots than you would have felt the scissors stab into your head and you wold have been able to stop him. Either you did this to yourself or it's just not true.

So some one cut their own hair off to put a fake story up on FML? Really?! If you're going to call bull shit, think it through. If it WAS bullshit, why would she have to bother cutting her hair off? why wouldn't she just keep her long flowing locks and post a bullshit story.

obviously to subvert the FML police, those brave men and women who crusade throughout the countryside verifying stories and punishing the dishonest. ;)

hahahahaha! OMG that sucks BIG time!!! I would be absolutely FURIOUS!

How do you sleep through a haircut so violent it leaves you with bloody bald spots? YDI.

I can't see a sane person doing that. Maybe a three year old, but a seven year old?

So it's alright for you to say all blondes have ugly hair, natural or not? What if I said that all naturally black hair is ugly? You don't know that she bleaches her hair. Even if she does, I don't see it as being any different from the kids I see who dye their hair black to fit a certain image. Still changing something about yourself to fit into a segment of society.

stoobo 0

hope you kept the hair, human hair is quite valuable for wigs and things, sell it and hire a hitman to take your brother out

The fact that her moron parents let her brother get off scott free after mutilating her is what I find disturbing, irrespective of the colour of her hair. WTF is wrong with you idiots?


how the hell did you sleep through that if he cut your head? and moreover, how the **** did he get away with that? if he caused you to bleed and all and still found it amusing, that's disturbing. not a far leap from torturing and killing small animals. and then people. everyone but your baby sister. and then he gets locked up for 17 years. and then he busts out the day before halloween. and then he goes after your baby sister, who has no idea any of this occured. and kills all of her friends in the process. and it's up to the man who psycho-analyzed him for the entirety of his institutionalization to save her, and get him locked up again. or kill him. I feel like I've heard of something like this before... it's the damndest thing, but I'm sure of it.


yeah...i got into a whole different train of thought there. =P