By baldygirl - 02/11/2009 20:04 - United States
Same thing different taste
By TimeForAHairCut - 08/06/2012 23:44 - United States - Eugene
By ellieowenie - 29/07/2012 08:11 - Australia - Sydney
By my dumb bro - 17/04/2013 16:13 - United States - Gillham
Hair code
By MoreThanABadHairDay - 25/03/2023 04:00
By M95 - 03/03/2010 19:11 - Norway
Bunch of amateurs
By Anonymous - 14/12/2023 18:00 - Australia - Wacol
By Anonymous - 16/06/2013 18:49 - France - Le Rove
By hair2daygone4ever - 14/01/2010 15:45 - United States
Good one, mom
By hairdresser - 18/10/2009 15:27 - Thailand
By buiuuum - 27/07/2011 16:35 - United States
Top comments
Bwahaha. SEVENTH indeed. That made me chuckle. x]
Look on the bright side - you can shave it all off and wear fashionable wigs. Take it out of your little brother's allowance if possible =D Or simply return his favor!
pretty sure that the bloody is used instead of profanity
Do the same thing to him. :|
Thats when you just beat the holy hell out of him
How the hell did he "get away with it?" That should be impossible. Worse, if you're parents didn't do anything about it (scold, ground, etc.), that just encourages him to do it again. Maybe they'll be lucky enough to be the recipients next time (serves 'em right). If nothing else, beat the tar out of him yourself. However, restraining him so that you can do the same to him would probably be best.
omg my sis did this to me..when i was 7 i ad really long hair down to my hips..but she would cut it saying tht "she owns a salon and shit" omg i ended up getting a bowl cut cuz of all the damn bald spots..:(
He may have gotten away without punishment, but you can still give him a stern warning. As in the teddybear's dismembered head in his bed kind of warning.
Or the brains of his XBox.
Ouch :[ Sorry girly ! Cut your parents' hair (if they're heavy sleepers like you, awesome. If not, NyQuil..), and blame it on your brother.. Bet he won't get away with it after that :]
Seriously, wouldn't you wake up when the bloody bald spots were created? That sucks though.. you should take away ALL his toys and give them to charity and shave the little shit's head down to the scalp and vandalize it with Sharpies.