By Anonymous - 16/01/2014 17:57 - United States - Springfield

Today, my 7-year-old daughter made a new game: hitting me in the groin when I'm not expecting it. She hunts me in the house, hides around corners, and behind furniture to ambush me. She'll even do it if she catches me napping. I'm a grown man living in fear of a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 121
You deserved it 13 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must not hurt too bad considering you don't have balls to discipline and discuss your daughter's actions with her. She's 7! Come on, man! Grow a pair.


Pardon me if I missed this above, but does she know she's hitting in a "no-touch" place? I'd also want to know if anyone has been touching her in a "no-touch" place. If so, who and where? (If it's OP, I hope she breaks his nuts before he touches another child the wrong way.)

brit628 7

That's awsome and funny that sounds just like me when I was her age. my dad is still afraid of me

That kid needs a real kick up the arse, no wait, change that to the dad for letting her get away with it. Probably lets her torture the cat as well to keep herself amused.

The corner usually works for me. Even five minutes is an eternity to kids. I would NOT stand for it.

Dude, she's 7 years old... Take away her iPhone or something. Yes, that was a bitter remark on the fact that way too many children have those already.

Ohh, it looks like your little sis needs a time out or two

Sing her to submition no grown man can sing