By Anonymous - 16/01/2014 17:57 - United States - Springfield

Today, my 7-year-old daughter made a new game: hitting me in the groin when I'm not expecting it. She hunts me in the house, hides around corners, and behind furniture to ambush me. She'll even do it if she catches me napping. I'm a grown man living in fear of a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 121
You deserved it 13 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must not hurt too bad considering you don't have balls to discipline and discuss your daughter's actions with her. She's 7! Come on, man! Grow a pair.


BDA_fml 5

Talk to her parents. Oh wait........Never mind!

So many people on here talk about studies completed that proved positive reinforcement "generally" works much better than negative. I'm sure none of you read the studies from Standford and Yale which found an overwhelmingly correlation between children who were given both positive and negative forms of reinforcement and thier personal feelings of success in life. Spankings are necessary just as necessary as not soaking

Erm, I think you meant sociopathic. Psycopathy is much worse than just a lack of empathy. Also, those people are not even close to either. They're just smart.

Put her in time out and tell her she's not being nice when she does that. Ask her if she'd like to be hit like that. I saw a post that said discipline...use it. And I agree. Kids need and want structure or else their worlds will slowly start to unravel and they won't be able to function properly in and out of society.

My country discipline is vital at school.. It helps us not to screw up people nuts

kaduzy 12

Sounds like she really doesn't want any more siblings.