By Anonymous - 16/01/2014 17:57 - United States - Springfield

Today, my 7-year-old daughter made a new game: hitting me in the groin when I'm not expecting it. She hunts me in the house, hides around corners, and behind furniture to ambush me. She'll even do it if she catches me napping. I'm a grown man living in fear of a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 121
You deserved it 13 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must not hurt too bad considering you don't have balls to discipline and discuss your daughter's actions with her. She's 7! Come on, man! Grow a pair.


There is this wonderful thing called discipline. My mother disciplined me an I'm going to college a year early.

Ever thought of putting your child into a sport? Such as martial arts. I believe that would teach her things, and disciple aswell.

Grow up and be a father!!! This is exactly why there are so Many problems with children... Their parents don't discipline or Take the time to teach right from wrong! Hitting is wrong!!!

I lost it when I saw the word "hunts" lol all of the mental images

Then if you're damn MAN and tough FATHER use your authority to PUNISH her with DISCIPLINE!!!!!!

Open palm, turn over your knee, spank spank spank spank spank, set her upright, tell her that's how much it hurts to get punched in the junk, and then put her in time out. A lot of people go "SPANKING??? OMG HOW COULD YOU HURT A CHILD" without realizing that you don't have to beat the shit out of her, you just have to make her butt sting so she knows what it's like to be in pain from someone hitting you. My big brother used to beat the shit out of me, and my dad used to spank me, and the difference in my mind is enormous. Although in my opinion, the only really acceptable time to spank is when the child is inflicting physical violence on others.

Seven years old is way too old for this type of behavior. Man up, be a father, and discipline her.

Smack her when she does this. She'll stop. I swear, parents today are so incompetent! If I ever hit one of my parents, it would have been 3 times: first time, last time and never again.

u should have put a stop to that at the beginning u muppet

jweb1434 6

What kind of father are you? Start grounding her. Take stuff away from her