By busybuzzybee - 17/08/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, my asshole of a roommate finally decided to move out. Not only did he take his belongings with him, he took some of mine as well. Including my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 540
You deserved it 2 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RooBooBear 0
Goddess_Rummy 13

That sucks. Find him and steal back your dog ninja style.


Take his mom? The take his girlfriend one was already taken :/

xkristinannx 0
varkey 7

Get your dog and the rest of the stuff back. If he doesn't let you, press charges for stealing.

I hope your name is sarah and your dog is Dixie Girl cause if so you should say the rest cheating lying *****

wtf? can he do that legally? like dont u have paperwork??

my sisters roommate left without a trace for almost a month and left his dog in his room he never came back to feed it my sister took care of it ofc but how could someone just leave a dog in their room for three and a half weeks

Unlucky1232 20

oh your giving him things too? I'd give cops that are informed your pet has been stolen