By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 05:37 - United States

Today, my aunt informed me that she thinks I'm faking the debilitating disease I've had for the past 13 years. Apparently she thinks I just don't want to go to college or get a job, and that I like living on disability. She also added that my entire extended family agrees with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 725
You deserved it 6 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Herbal_fml 0

What specific debilitating disease? Should have said the name. Then I could have googled it.

#06 - The OP said they suffer from a DISEASE, not a DISABILITY. There are numerous debilitating diseases out there that would prevent someone from going to work or school. It's very tactless of your aunt to have said something like that to you, particularly if you've been to the doctor. This situation is a hard FML, because it all depends on how the OP is acting... Still, FYL for having to deal with someone who can be so rude.


#20 I mean people that whine about depression to the point where they "can't" work or go to school are babies.

Kurabsence 0

I agree with that but in same cases the adaption we call depression is something that can't possibly be gotten over, sometimes it crushes people baddly

Learn about the mental problems you think you know before you speak. That way, you don't appear as an idiot to the people who know more than you.

rttr 18

No, you are stupid. Do you even know how serious depression feels like? Have you experienced it or someone you love experience it? Have you researched it? If not SHUT THE **** UP, MORON.

ZiggyMorrison 0

1.**** slap that bitch 2.who gives a shit what they think? you know your limitations and your parents probably do to and you said nothing about them thinking your faking it so there not gonna make you do anything who gives a shit about your extended family they cant decide how to live your life

#20 You mean that having a mental illness that makes a person feel so bad that not only do they want to kill themselves but actually often do, is not a reason enough not to go to work or school? Especially when the illness often makes them think that they don't have any future left anyway? Have you ever had a depression? If not, and I'm assuming you're not a pyschiatrist either, then how are you qualified even to talk about the issue? Did you know that depression is actual caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain? It actually has physical symptons like the lack of energy. It is not just feeling a little cranky because your mom didn't buy you that toy. It's something that prevents you from feeling any kind of joy and making every kind of sadness much more stronger. It is very much a disabling illness.

#24 as I said, it's just a bunch of whiny babies. they're better off killing themselves. I'm assuming you've been "depressed" or had a family member/friend "depressed" before, and now think it's your life duty to tell random people on the internet it's sewious?

Depression is a real disease, you asshole cocksucker. I hope one day someone close to you develops it and offs themselves.

You, sir, need to learn respect. Yes, there are people who suffer from some form of depression who are indeed just whiney babies. There are also a lot of people who spend the majority of their lives so severely depressed, they can hardly function. People like you just compound the problem.

rttr 18

You should kill yourself, you asshole. how could anyone, even your mother, love you?

basketballbabee 0

Maybe OP couldn't fit the name of their disease in the post? either way, your aunt is a bitch!

#21: you are an IDIOT. look at #24's post. depression is not just mental it's physical too, and sometimes those who suffer from depression CAN'T get up to do something. wow, what "babies". most of the ppl who have commented here are jerks. seriously ppl, get over yourselves.

Reason why I'm doing this is just because ignorance tends to piss me off. I like correcting blatantly false claims. Don't take it personally. Well, at the same time I also feel like I'm being a little helpful because what trolls says might actually affect someone who's depressed. I'd rather not have that happen.

ramdoodle45 0

i just hope that it's some disease that actually is preventing you from being normal and not you being a drama queen about something tiny that somehow technically is a disease and using it to be an attention *****. i totally feel bad for you though

guys, the OP has a debilitating disease, it's not fair to attack the OP, he/she can't stand up for themself! bah da bum (and before anyone get's in a tizzy--I'm joking!)