By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 05:37 - United States

Today, my aunt informed me that she thinks I'm faking the debilitating disease I've had for the past 13 years. Apparently she thinks I just don't want to go to college or get a job, and that I like living on disability. She also added that my entire extended family agrees with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 725
You deserved it 6 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Herbal_fml 0

What specific debilitating disease? Should have said the name. Then I could have googled it.

#06 - The OP said they suffer from a DISEASE, not a DISABILITY. There are numerous debilitating diseases out there that would prevent someone from going to work or school. It's very tactless of your aunt to have said something like that to you, particularly if you've been to the doctor. This situation is a hard FML, because it all depends on how the OP is acting... Still, FYL for having to deal with someone who can be so rude.


Is she a doctor? Is anyone in your extended family a doctor? No? Then they can **** off. Ignore these people and get on with your life. They ain't worth shit.

cartering 0

*actually there is quite a limit to the amount that schools/workplaces have to accomadate. For example, were I to go to school now (which is impossible do to energy levels and confusion, quite apart from safety aspects), the school would have to replace the flourescent lighting in every classroom and hall I used - as well as at least one bathroom close to those classes and halls. They'd have to assign a guide to sit with me to follow me in case I got up and left during class, or did anything strange or unusual (answered a question with a completely different answer unrelated to the topic, spoke at a different time, stood up in the middle of class, felt weird, suddenly got tired, suddenly got hungry). They'd also have to provide me transportation back to my home should any light flicker while I was on campus. Give me weeks off whenever I had my period - potentially up to two, depending on various factors. Same thing with anything stressful - ie a big project due or a significant test, as stress as just as bad as a mildly flickering light And thats just to begin with.

i love how people assume getting disability social security is easy. My mom has had DVT (deep vein thrombosis, look it up) for twenty years aka since I was born, and it has continually gotten worse, including a second blot clot a few years ago. She had to stop working from a job she loved and couldnt even do a sit down part time job because her leg just couldnt take it. But it still took us three applications over three years, a court date, and help from our senator to get her on disability or else we were gonna have to move out of our small three bedroom house and such. its hard stuff to deal with

curryndricegirll 0

It sounds like she actually means that you're kind of using the disease as an excuse rather than trying. Meaning, you have the disease so you don't do anything to come out of that zone. Still sucks though.

Well screw her and the prissy pants she walked in on.

I forgot how everyone on the internet is an idiot and an asshole... Thanks, FML, for reminding me of it. I'm sorry, OP. I get the same thing from a lot of people because I opt not to tell people what my "chronic illness" is because they would flip the **** out and go completely to the opposite end of the spectrum (i.e., call the ambulance every time I twitched). But I guess I should just quit whining, get over that brain tumor, and get a job...

Cartering @ 93 & 95, I want to know what's wrong with you 'cause I'm nosy. (I'm right with you on a lot of your symptoms -- I get headaches bad enough that the light coming through the [closed] blinds is excruciating, can't turn on the tv, etc. On those days I obviously don't make it to class. Once my dumbass science professor turned on a strobe light without any warning. I am seizure-prone. THANKS A LOT, ASSHOLE.)

harlequeen 0

You know they have online colleges, right? If you can navigate the Internet well enough to locate sites like FML, you can probably go to an online school. As far as depression goes, I've know some seriously depressed people, and they did NOT get online and surf the 'net while they were depressed.

Really, 103, surfing FML takes the same amount of brain power/energy/time/focus as a college course? What college are you going to, and can I enroll?

Arguing with morons takes no energy. ("Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.") Unless you have actually been part of a debate team, I doubt you know the kind of work that debate entails, but I'll give you a hint--weekend competitions are included. Not sure how you're going to handle that one when you can't leave your bed.