By Anonymous - 22/04/2015 14:14 - United States - Athens

Today, my best friend can now say "I fucked your mom" to me and actually mean it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 110
You deserved it 3 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only logical thing to do now is to **** his mother.

when "yo momma" jokes are too realistic....


Is your name "Stifler" by any chance ?

katydid91 31

Nobody deserve this! You have my sympathy, OP.

AkumaUchiha 19

This definitely needs a follow up

since when did this become American pie lol

BlackFire4890 16

Hopefully they used protection. Or maybe she's going through menopause, idk. I'm sorry OP. :(

Is your mom 16 years older than you or something so the age wasn't too far apart? This is disgusting either way.

colvindj 22

bro that's just a line you don't cross. ever.