By Anonymous - 22/04/2015 14:14 - United States - Athens

Today, my best friend can now say "I fucked your mom" to me and actually mean it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 110
You deserved it 3 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only logical thing to do now is to **** his mother.

when "yo momma" jokes are too realistic....


Is this a **** movie come true? If so, did your friend give you the web link? Just remember, it can always be worse!

Yet you still call him your best friend

gabby_john_ 15

"Yo momma so stupid I ****** her right in the pussy." Um hell no???

Tell ya "best friend" that you are gonna be his future siblings dad

Better than saying guess who my stepdad is

If your initial response to finding out wasn't to say "You ************", then you deserve it.

ashlin12321 9

Wow, no respect there whatsoever... I sure hope you mean ex-best friend, right?

"Stiffler's mom!" Lol I'm sorry that was terrible