By justin - 13/12/2013 03:08 - United States - Waco

Today, my boss found out that my girlfriend dumped me. He asked if that meant she would no longer bring her delicious homemade cookies to the office. When I said yes, he fired me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 807
You deserved it 3 410

Same thing different taste


learn how to make coockies! it always lightens up your cv !

i don't think op wants to learn how to make cockies

@90 your pic matches your comment perfectly.

Sounds like it's time for a lawsuit for wrongful termination...

If it's a right to work state, the boss is within legal rights to fire a person for any reason (or none at all - boss could do it on a whim if he/she wanted).

Wow, talking about ******* people over.

valentinov 15

So... In a way... Your girlfriend was working at your job, but you were getting the paycheck... On the other hand... How good were the cookies, if your boss kept you hired despite you being useless? The best part is that now you have the "opportunity" to find a job where you're appreciated, not the cooking skills of your ex. :))

Man, talk about adding insult to injury. What a dick.

"I did it all for the *cookie C'mon The *cookie C'mon So you can take that cookie And stick it up your, yeah!!"

That's horrible. I don't think he can fire you for that.

You could file a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Just a thought.

AllisonMarie91 3

So instead of finding another job it makes sense to potentially bankrupt a small business and then everyone gets fired......

How do we know op was working for a small business?

AllisonMarie91 3

Lol that's why I said potentially.... Plus if his boss has no one that he has to report to, which would make sense if he really did fire him on the spot, then it's likely to be a smaller business.

What the...?! Must be cookies made of rainbows and kitten smiles

The bit about kitten smiles made my day.

It just made me picture a bunch of kittens without mouths.

skeptic54 8

I am the 1000th "I agree your life sucks". Ask me anything.

I've heard of milkshakes bringing boys to the yard, but never cookies keeping someone's ass in a job. It's a 1st