By justin - 13/12/2013 03:08 - United States - Waco

Today, my boss found out that my girlfriend dumped me. He asked if that meant she would no longer bring her delicious homemade cookies to the office. When I said yes, he fired me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 807
You deserved it 3 410

Same thing different taste


Bake some cookies do everything a recipe says wrong. Give them to him as an "apology" gift

After filing for unemployment and sending out resumes, check which of your state politicians voted to make Texas a "right to work" (a.k.a., right to be fired for any insane reason) state and work to get them voted out of office.

Those cookies must be great because your salary is a lot a damn money for some cookies!

Talk about adding insult to injury. Even if you weren't the best worker in the world, getting fired right after getting dumped is awful. I'm so sorry :(.

reymon8823 24

Sue him... Unlawful termination with no just cause

its a sign u didnt need that boss anyway hopefully youll find a better job just keep having hope ;)

Maybe she broke up with you for your boss..... I think he's smashing her broski.