By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 14:54 - Finland - Vanda

Today, my boss threatened to fire me because of a tattoo I have. It's a small teddy bear on my leg with my parents' names on it. My workplace has no problems with tattoos, but my boss said it was "unoriginal and lame." It's a memorial tattoo; my parents died last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 962
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people... makes me wonder how they became the assholes they are today.

tell him his excuse is "lame and unoriginal"


report him and as he's getting fired for threatening to fire you over something so sweet tell him its his own fault for insulting your dead parents who you got the tat for after their death

Chucklikesbacon 12

How insensitive! Even if he didn't know about your parents, he should think about what he says and wich effect it has on people.

your boss is a ******* **** rage/10

I am pretty sure that is not a valid reason to fire you. I would just tell him that his preference was of no consideration to you when you choose it.

Your boss shouldn't act this way. He should mind his own business. By the way you described your tattoo, it must be a cute and beautiful tribute to your parents :-)

if he ever followed through with his stupid threat, that would definitely be the dumbest reason to fire someone: "you're fired" "why?" "because you have a tattoo" "but this workplace has no problems with tattoos" "yeah but yours is unoriginal and lame, so get out" FYL for sure!

itsallbullshit 4

Never, ever give anyone laxatives. That's considered poisoning and is very illegal. It can dehydrate and kill someone.

I've never heard of anyone dying as the result of someone spiking their food or beverage with laxatives. Have you?

sarahcole43 2

Guys stop saying "sue him" you can't sue someone for that...I know it was wrong of him to do that but you can't sue somebody for that

OP can't sue and the employer cannot fire.

itsallbullshit 4

^That was meant to be a reply to 60... I fail.

HeyImAmy 20

You have a memory tattoo. So what? A lot of people have those! I'm sorry for your loss. Your boss is stupid! He clearly doesn't realize how much your parents meant to you! All he sees is a small teddy bear. He doesn't see the sentimental value of the tattoo. Any normal, non-assholish person would ask about how you got the tattoo and why, NOT tell you that you may be fired for remembering your parents in a tattoo!