By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 14:54 - Finland - Vanda

Today, my boss threatened to fire me because of a tattoo I have. It's a small teddy bear on my leg with my parents' names on it. My workplace has no problems with tattoos, but my boss said it was "unoriginal and lame." It's a memorial tattoo; my parents died last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 962
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people... makes me wonder how they became the assholes they are today.

tell him his excuse is "lame and unoriginal"


You haven't seen it? I few weeks ago I saw an individual with the tattoo of a rectum on the back of his bald head.

people today shouldn't even be called people . assholes nowadays

Even if he did you could take his ass to court and make him look stupider than he already does

anni1999 7

Give him some laxatives? Probably you would earn his spot for a while? I mean, what goes around comes around, right?

Quiet_one 22

My first thought was that he must have been trying to joke with you, because that doesn't make any sense otherwise. But even then, it was in poor taste and he shouldn't have said it. I'm so sorry OP.

Human resources maybe, for threat of unfair termination?

Your boss is an uptight douche. I hope you explained what it meant to you. :