By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 18:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend, and best friend, had baked a cake, and wouldnt tell anyone who it was for. When I asked he said I'd know soon. He met me after class to break up with me and offered me the cake to make me feel better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 196
You deserved it 3 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do women (in the comments) act like a guy breaking up with you means he's a douchebag. Nowhere does it say that he was an asshole, or broke up with her to **** her best friend. All it says is he broke with her and made her a cake to help her feel better. SO WHAT! Would you rather him stayed with her until he was so unhappy that he did resort to ******* her best friend?!

Should have shoved the cake in his face.


How is this an FML? Do you not like cake or something?

Is a nice enough thing, but I would te;l him to take the cake, he is the one that obviously equates junk food as an emotional replacement. Better him than you :)

backseatfever 0

59...that's why it's incorrect. the boyfriend and the best friend are the SAME person, thus the second two commas are unneccessary.

Guys...the commas are there for a reason. Its her boyfriend who's her best friend as well. She could've said my boyfriend and (my) best friend without comma. Why would he need help baking a cake. He's not a jerk, though I agree with the smushing cake in his cake tehee.

Wow you people are unbelieveably shallow and stupid. He breaks up with her, but because he cares enough to not want to hurt her, he bakes her a cake. Honestly, that's a great way to break up if it's inevitable. As far as break ups go, it's definitely one of the better ways to do it. Would you perfer if the boyfriend said something like, "it's because you're fat" or "I'm ******* your best friend" or "I realized I'm too good for you"? Seriously, not all relations work out, you people act like every couple in the world should stay as a couple for the rest of their lives, even if one of them is suffering because of it.

#55, the boyfriend and best friend are the same person. Enjoy being a smug asshole.

Hummingbird114 0

I think it's nice that he baked you a cake. It shows he cares about you as a friend, or at least cares enough about your feelings to try and soften the blow. Most guys aren't that nice. I'm sorry it didn't work out, but there are much worse ways to be dumped by someone.

pippysthename00 0

If you think about it, it's not that bad. My boyfriend recently broke up with me by text saying "I don't want to have a girlfriend right now." Then going out with my bestfriend the next day.

Breakups happen. At least he was nice enough to bake you a cake, rather than text you or leave you a voicemail.

thanks_fml 0

That was really thoughtful of him to show that he does care about you, just not in the same way and so I did something for you to expreess his appology for hurting you. So I'm sorry it didn't work out, but it wasn't meant to be.