By Goodyear - 20/01/2014 03:59 - United States - Glendale

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex. After a while, he started staring at my lady parts, and said my "vag looks like a mockingjay". He then stretched the lips apart like wings and made little "CA-CAW CA-CAW!" sounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 604
You deserved it 10 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Askzombie 14

Well you volunteered as tribute.

Tell him his junk looks like an elephant, and flap his balls like Dumbo's ears.


He knows that a mockingjay isn't even a real bird, right? Dump his ass if the thinks that a made up bird from the hunger games is real.

6FootUnder 11

Lmao I see his humor, must have some grubby fat ass pussy lips hahaha.

Nicole819 11

there's only 2 logical reasons for this.. one he's not old enough to have sex in the first place if he's doing that & two he's old enough but very immature. either way sucks for you OP

6dandaman5 8

Sounds like they have a sex life secure enough to inject a little humor into . After play is as important as foreplay

As I read this, it played out visually in my mind and I am still dying. FYL OP but that is one of those stories that can literally make anyone's day a million times better!!!

I don't think those birds sound like that. Just imagining Katniss cawing. Heh....

It's pretty funny actually. I wouldn't take it personally

I can't believe you posted that anonymous or not. Also your boyfriend sounds like a dumbass. No offense

doesnt it bother u that ur boy friend refers tonur ****** as a bird... lol?

6dandaman5 8

Tell him that's a perfect place for his tongue to be