By Jacquelinez - 20/05/2012 18:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went mini golfing with his family. We had a competition going on, and when I managed to get two consecutive holes in one, he started seething and muttered that I'm dangerously close to becoming single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 070
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the part where you shove your putter up his arse and yell "HOLE IN ONE".


Lol then maybe......he needs to get better at stuff. ;)

Most guys are sore losers, and don't want you to show them up. Especially in front of the family... On a side note, at least your rocking the gol clubs!

your boyfriend is acting like a male with female traits.

ouknow123 2

You are not "******." your life is not "******." **** off

iFit21 2

Slap him n walk away. Then get another hole.

kelsowrestler5 4

Your best bet? Dump the douche. Why stay with him if he's gonna be that way?

noisebox 1

Tell he's dangerously close to giving himself head

sarahbara1994 0

He is such a dick, you deserve so much better then that. That is such a low thing to do!

If he's going to have a hissy fit because you got two consecutive holes-in-one in mini golf, you might as well save him the trouble of breaking up with you and beat him to the punch.

He's probably just jealous that his girlfriend can actually get it in the hole better than he can!